Publishing/Writing: Insights, News, Intrigue


Jeanne Scott Said:

Filed under: know what editors want,rejection letters,targeted selling — gator1965 @ 3:47 pm

Some very good pointers!

Also this article reinforces the marketing First Commandment: “Find out what your customer really wants and don’t try to sell him/her anything else.” My take on it – Don’t try to sell someone living on dirt floors – a powerful vacuum cleaner!

In fundraising the biggest mistake most naïve proposal writers make is ignoring the information easily available in resources like the Foundation Directory, etc. They explicitly point out what each philanthropical organization is specifically looking for and has funded consistently.

Many enthusiastic, optimistic marketers tend to do “shotgunning”. They make a hundred copies of their proposal and mail them out helter-skelter. Then cry over their empty mailboxes because they don’t even get the consolation of a rejection letter.

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