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Marketing Your Books On Virtual Reader Communities

Virtual reader sites, or communities, are actually social media sites for readers and writers to come together. Readers can read books and recommend them to others and writers can market their books on their own profile pages offered by these sites.

The Book Marketing Maven at offers the following comprehensive list of virtual reading communities:

Goodreads claims to be the world’s largest social network for readers, with 1.8 million users. Authors can promote their book in a variety of ways. LibraryThing has 600,000 members. Registered LibraryThing authors can promote events, participate in Author Chat, and add information to their author page.
Authors can build profile pages on AuthorsDen and interact with readers.
Red Room is another popular site for authors.
Nothing Binding is geared toward independent publishers.
Shelfari is owned by Amazon and it’s popular with Facebook users.
FiledBy is a new site that offers authors a free page that they can enhance with a photo, bio, and links. Each author page also includes links to purchase books on major online bookstores.
JacketFlap focuses on children’s and young adult books.
Big Universe is devoted to children’s picture books. offers groups (called communities) and forums (called customer discussions). Customer discussions appear on book detail pages, just below the customer review section.

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